
Before there was a pandemic, I would sometimes sit in a coffee shop for an afternoon and single out another chair, and then pay attention to every person who sat in that chair. I liked to think about shared spaces and perspectives, and if that would be enough to make these people want to be friends.

But I can’t do that now! So instead, I thought I would take a look at every town named Atlanta to see if there were any similarities beyond the name. There are a lot of railroads (naturally), tragedy (because every town with people has that), and water towers (because most towns with people have those)—but I’ll let you decide if there is any other overlap.

I wanted to do more with this, but I burned out. It was a good start to something I hope to continue—combining drawing and sharing what I’m curious about into illustrated stories. All-lantas, as you may have guessed from all the squares, was made for instagram (@all.lantas). Squares are pretty limiting, so I decided to do webpages instead, and so here we are.

But, anyway, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Here’s All-lantas.


Pet Cemetery